JD CNC is a, mostly online, laser engraving company. We strive for great quality and great customer service, which is why we are starting this!
Picture 1: Jackie Rearick, the owner, using our OmTech 80W laser used for the majority of our products.
Why Blog?
To better keep our past and future customers involved and engaged, we have created a blog to keep you informed, educated and entertained. Our goal is to give everyone a better idea of what is going on behind the scenes and what we will be striving for in the future.
We currently have a large group of supporters who want nothing more than to see us succeed, but sometimes it can be difficult to know what we are about, what we can do and the best ways to get in contact with us.
We understand all of this and are trying to be better in all of those aspects! We would like to use the website and blog to help everyone better understand what we are all about. We would also like to point you in the right direction for learning about what we do, purchasing what we make and inquiring about new products/projects.
What will we Blog?
The JD CNC Blog will consist of posts dedicated to learning about what we do & how we do it, new ventures that are happening here and how to get the most out of JD CNC as a customer. If you are interested in what we do and learning about how to do it .... there will be posts for that. If you are looking to get a sneak peek about what is in store for the future of JD CNC ... there will be posts for that. If you are looking for ideas on why our products are useful and different ways to use them ... there will be posts for that!
You will be able to comment, take polls/surveys and have a voice on what goes on at JD CNC. There wouldn't be a business if it weren't for our loyal customers after all ... so OF COURSE you should have a say!
When will we Blog?
To start, we will be posting 2 posts every month. The second and fourth Sunday of every month we will have a new post for everyone to read. One post will be about what is going on behind the scenes and in the future of JD CNC and one post will be related to education or entertainment. When we talk about education or entertainment, we are talking about "How To's" or how you can use our products to decorate, educate, or bring value to your life.
The blog posts will be able to be read on our website, where they will be archived for you to read later too ... in case you miss one! We will have them organized in categories for you to have a better user experience and read only posts that peak your interests.
What to Expect in the Future?
JD CNC has a lot of promise for our customers in the future. On top of being an online shop for all things laser engraved, we would also like the ability to give back to our followers.
We want to create educational videos to go along with our DIY kits, so that parents, teachers, and caregivers can use them as part of their lesson plans.
We also want to create classes that you can sign up for to learn about small business, laser engraving, designing 2D and 3D, and so much more!
We also have different collections of products and product packages coming out, such as realtor and wedding packages.
These are only a few of the many ideas that we have for the future of JD CNC. We not only want a sustainable business, so we have a great future for ourselves and family, but we also wish to give back and inspire as much as we can!
Thank you for taking the time to read our first blog post! If you would like to stay up to date, please don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter to be notified of new blog posts, sales, and new products coming out!
Please explore our website to find all other information, social media links and products!